Background & objectives: This study was carried out to determine the appearance of various cystic ovarian lesions on transvaginal real-time ultrasonographic elastography and to investigate its potential in the differential diagnosis of cystic ovarian lesions.
Methods: Twenty six women (age range, 27-71 yr; mean age 42 ± 16 yr) with cystic ovarian masses underwent transvaginal B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography, and transvaginal real-time ultrasonographic elastography. Those having ovarian cysts with solid components underwent to biopsy or surgical excision. The elasticity colour code (pattern 1-5), and strain index of cystic ovarian lesions were analyzed and associated with histopathological diagnosis.
Results: Eleven of 26 ovarian cysts (42%) (diameter range, 3.2-4.5 cm) without solid component were not colour coded with blue or colour coded with blue-red-green heterogenous mosaic pattern. Fifteen of 26 cystic ovarian lesions (58%) (diameter range, 3.5-6.5 cm) had solid components. Among these, two had colour pattern 5, their strain indexes were 3.7 and 4, and their histopathologic diagnosis were germ cell carcinoma. One had colour pattern 5, with strain index 13.6, and histopathologic diagnosis was clear cell carcinoma.
Interpretation & conclusions: Transvaginal real-time ultrasonographic elastography has potential role in the differential diagnosis of cystic ovarian lesions and this technique may be useful in differentiation of the benign lesions from those of malignant.