Introduction: A definitive diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is confirmed after histopathological (HP) examination of the tissue obtained through the biopsy. The aim of this study was to compare histopathological results obtained with punch biopsy and results obtained through one of the excisional techniques.
Material and methods: We analysed histology results of 130 patients referred to our institution with abnormal smear. Punch biopsy was performed after colposcopic examination in all patients before one of the excision methods. Excision methods performed were: large loop excision of transformation zone (LLETZ), radio-frequency knife conisation or cold knife conisation. Based on the histopathological examination of the punch biopsy specimen or excisional specimen diagnosis of CIN was established.
Results: CIN and invasive cancer were the most common diagnoses in the 31-40 age group at 45.4% (59/130). Discrepancies in the histological diagnosis between punch biopsy and excisional biopsy was identified in 58.5% (76/130) of the patients. In 6% of the of the cases the biopsy did not detect an invasive carcinoma.
Conclusion: The most frequent discrepancies between punch biopsy and excisional biopsy were in the group of patients with a higher grade cervical dysplasia. Mild dysplastic changes diagnosed through punch biopsy, require a more conservative approach, as the majority of this group had negative specimens on the cone after excision, especially in the younger population. It is advisable that the patients above 30 years of age and a higher grade dysplasia in the biopsy specimen, should undergo one of the excisional techniques as a diagnostic/therapeutic method of treatment.