Background: In China, the Compulsory Detoxification Centres are the main response for people who use illegal drugs. Due to high relapse rates among people released from the Compulsory Detoxification Centres, it is likely that they may seek medical help, including Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) services, at some point. Therefore, better understanding of the attitudes and beliefs of people in the Compulsory Detoxification Centres can help to provide more adequate response to opioid dependence.
Methods: In total, 329 detained heroin users and 112 active MMT clients were recruited from a local Compulsory Detoxification Centre and MMT clinic, respectively. The survey contained specific questions relating to attitudes and beliefs regarding MMT.
Results: Participants at the Compulsory Detoxification Centre and the MMT clinic expressed different opinions, regarding positive and negative attitudes and beliefs towards MMT. In addition, participants from both sites hold certain negative attitudes and beliefs about methadone despite their acknowledgement of the positive effects of MMT. Finally, participants at the Compulsory Detoxification Centre and the MMT clinic reported distinctive treatment preferences, with the former preferring community-based treatment and the latter MMT.
Conclusions: Developing targeted education about MMT for people at the Compulsory Detoxification Centres could help improve access to accurate and evidence-based health and treatment information. The study may also help providers understand and adjust services needed for target population in the future.