Background: We determined the minimal alveolar concentration (MAC) of sevoflurane inducing an isoelectric EEG in 50% of adult subjects (MACie).
Methods: We included 31 middle-aged subjects; 30 subjects finished the study protocol and received sevoflurane at preselected concentrations according to a modified Dixon 'up-and-down' design starting at 1.7 vol% with 0.2 vol% steps size. General anaesthesia was induced and maintained with sevoflurane; tracheal intubation was facilitated with cisatracurium. After a period of 30 min before skin incision, the state of isoelectric EEG was considered as significant when a burst suppression ratio of 100% lasted for >1 min. The haemodynamic responses to skin incision and the vasopressor requirement to maintain stable haemodynamic status were also analysed according to the EEG state.
Results: MACie was 3.5% (95% confidence interval, 3.4-3.7%) in middle-aged subjects. When compared with subjects not in isoelectric EEG state, subjects in isoelectric EEG state received more phenylephrine to maintain stable haemodynamics (10 of 10 compared with 7 of 20 subjects, P=0.001) and experienced less sympathetic responses to skin incision (1 of 10 compared with 11 of 20 subjects, P=0.024).
Conclusions: MACie for sevoflurane was ∼2.1 times MAC for immobilization in phenobarbital premedicated middle-aged adults. Sevoflurane-induced isoelectric EEG state is associated with significant cardiovascular depression but reduced haemodynamic responses to skin incision.
Keywords: anaesthetics volatile, sevoflurane; cardiovascular system, responses; monitoring, depth of anaesthesia; monitoring, electroencephalography.