To obtain objective measures of possible impairment due to organic solvents, auditory, visual and somatosensory evoked potentials and cognitive event related potentials were recorded in a group of 13 workers occupationally exposed to a mixture of various solvents. The patients were compared to healthy subjects and to chronic alcoholics seen during post-alcohol withdrawal. Auditory and visual evoked potentials were almost normal but somatosensory evoked potentials showed a slight decrease of peripheral conduction velocities and an increase of central conduction times more marked in the solvent exposed workers who were also alcoholics. The late "cognitive" components reflecting attention processes (N2 and P3) were normal. Solvent-exposed workers and alcoholics were both characterized by some difficulty in modulating their attentional resources according to task demands, as reflected by a tendency to responses (N1, N2 and P3) of similar amplitudes whether the stimulus was or was not the target. These findings support the presence, in solvent exposed workers, of minor dysfunction of the nervous system at both peripheral and cortical levels potentiated by alcohol as well as of mild cognitive impairments concerning attention processes.