We show how Raman imaging can be combined with independent but simultaneous phase measurements of unlabeled cells, with the resulting data providing information on how the light is retarded and/or scattered by molecules in the cell. We then show, for the first time to our knowledge, how the chemistry of the cell highlighted in the Raman information is related to the cell quantitative phase information revealed in digital holographic microscopy by quantifying how the two sets of spatial information are correlated. The results show that such a multimodal implementation is highly useful for the convenience of having video rate imaging of the cell during the entire Raman measurement time, allowing us to observe how the cell changes during Raman acquisition. More importantly, it also shows that the two sets of label-free data, which result from different scattering mechanisms, are complementary and can be used to interpret the composition and dynamics of the cell, where each mode supplies label-free information not available from the other mode.
Copyright © 2013 Biophysical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.