Because of their sessile lifestyle, plants are continuously exposed to solar UV-B radiation. Inhibition of leaf growth is one of the most consistent responses of plants upon exposure to UV-B radiation. In this work, we investigated the role of Growth-Regulating Factors (GRFs) and of microRNA miR396 in UV-B-mediated inhibition of leaf growth in Arabidopsis thaliana plants. We demonstrate that miRNA396 is upregulated by UV-B radiation in proliferating tissues and that this induction is correlated with a decrease in GRF1, GRF2, and GRF3 transcripts. Induction of miR396 results in inhibition of cell proliferation, and this outcome is independent of the UV-B photoreceptor UV resistance locus 8, as well as ATM AND RAD3-related and the mitogen-activated protein kinase MPK6, but is dependent on MPK3. Transgenic plants expressing an artificial target mimic directed against miR396 (MIM396) with a decrease in the endogenous microRNA activity or plants expressing miR396-resistant copies of several GRFs are less sensitive to this inhibition. Consequently, at intensities that can induce DNA damage in Arabidopsis plants, UV-B radiation limits leaf growth by inhibiting cell division in proliferating tissues, a process mediated by miR396 and GRFs.