Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is an idiopathic functional gastrointestinal disorder that has been underrecognized in the adult population. Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain are common presentations to gastrointestinal nursing. There are multiple differential diagnoses the clinician must consider prior to a diagnosis of CVS to recognize the disorder. CVS occurs in 4 phases: (a) interepisodic, (b) prodromal, (c) vomiting, and (d) recovery. Each phase has specific treatment guidelines. There is no specific "cure" for CVS; proper management is key. Increasing awareness of CVS is paramount to its detection. CVS has been examined in the pediatric population and has often been considered a pediatric disorder. More recently, it has come to be recognized in the adult population. Proper care and management of these patients allow for better support for patients and their families who are often on the primary caregivers. Nurses are often on the front lines of care and knowledge of CVS from the beginning should lead to shortened hospital stays and optimal patient care.