Autopsy proven peripheral nervous system neurolymphomatosis despite negative bilateral sural nerve biopsy

Front Neurol. 2013 Dec 6:4:197. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2013.00197. eCollection 2013.


Neurolymphomatosis (NL) refers to a lymphomatous infiltration of peripheral nerves associated with central nervous system or systemic lymphoma, or alternatively, neurodiagnostic evidence of nerve enhancement and/or enlargement beyond the dural sleeve in the setting of primary central nervous system lymphoma or systemic lymphoma. NL is a rare complication of systemic cancer with heterogeneous clinical presentations and an elusive diagnosis. Diagnosis usually requires the demonstration of infiltrating malignant lymphocytes in the peripheral nerve. Infiltration of brain parenchyma, meninges or Virchow-Robin spaces is characteristic of systemic disease at autopsy. We describe a patient presenting with biopsy negative NL affecting exclusively the peripheral nervous system at autopsy.

Keywords: neurolymphomatosis; non-Hodgkin lymphoma; peripheral neuropathy.