Aim: The aim of this work is to evaluate rectal and bladder dose for the patients treated for gynecological cancers.
Background: The GZP6 high dose rate brachytherapy system has been recently introduced to a number of radiation therapy departments in Iran, for treatment of various tumor sites such as cervix and vagina.
Materials and methods: Our analysis was based on dose measurements for 40 insertions in 28 patients, treated by a GZP6 unit between June 2009 and November 2010. Treatments consisted of combined teletherapy and intracavitary brachytherapy. In vivo dosimetry was performed with TLD-400 chips and TLD-100 microcubes in the rectum and bladder.
Results: The average of maximum rectal and bladder dose values were found to be 7.62 Gy (range 1.72-18.55 Gy) and 5.17 Gy (range 0.72-15.85 Gy), respectively. It has been recommended by the ICRU that the maximum dose to the rectum and bladder in intracavitary treatment of vaginal or cervical cancer should be lower than 80% of the prescribed dose to point A in the Manchester system. In this study, of the total number of 40 insertions, maximum rectal dose in 29 insertions (72.5% of treatment sessions) and maximum bladder dose in 18 insertions (45% of treatments sessions) were higher than 80% of the prescribed dose to the point of dose prescription.
Conclusion: In vivo dosimetry for patients undergoing treatment by GZP6 brachytherapy system can be used for evaluation of the quality of brachytherapy treatments by this system. This information could be used as a base for developing the strategy for treatment of patients treated with GZP6 system.
Keywords: Bladder dose; Brachytherapy; GZP6 afterloading unit; Rectal dose.