In 1982 a French cooperative study for Hodgkin's disease was designed to minimize adverse side effects of therapy in childhood. Initial staging is clinical, omitting laparotomy. Objectives are: comparing 4 ABVD to 2 MOPP alternating with 2 ABVD in CS IA et IIA, assessing the value of 3 MOPP + 3 ABVD in CS IB, IIB, III et IV in terms of remission induction and duration of remission and assessing the effectiveness of radiotherapy at dose of 20 Gy given to all good responders to chemotherapy in involved fields and lombo-splenic fields for CS IB, IIB, III and IV. We present preliminary results. Of the 120 evaluable patients 94% had a good response to initial chemotherapy and received 20 Gy. The rate of local control of these patients is very high as only 2 relapsed in previously irradiated nodes. Actuarial 3 years survival rate and relapse free survival are respectively 98% and 86%.