Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a disease with a significant global burden, associated with many comorbidities and quality-of-life issues. Overwhelming evidence shows that intranasal corticosteroids are the most effective treatment for AR to control the disease, decrease comorbidities, and decrease costs. Poor adherence is a major barrier to achieving control of AR. This article addresses patient preferences and satisfaction regarding intranasal corticosteroids and factors leading to better adherence. We review and summarize the published literature. Factors affecting patient preference and, ultimately, adherence include a variety of sensory components such as odor, taste, comfort of delivery, delivery devices (aerosol versus aqueous) and patient cost. The intensity of adverse sensory attributes is negatively correlated with patient preference and the likelihood of adherence. Selection of an intranasal steroid (INS) with patient preference and satisfaction in mind can influence patient outcomes and cost. Providers need to assess each patient to determine which inhaled INS will lead to the best adherence, thereby improving outcomes in our patients and ultimately reducing the overall global burden of this disease.