Purpose: To describe tracheal rupture after orotracheal intubation assisted by a tracheal tube introducer.
Clinical features: A 73-yr-old morbidly obese female patient with a history of hypertension underwent a total knee replacement. There were no anticipated signs of difficult intubation. Orotracheal intubation was attempted twice by direct laryngoscopy, and a Boussignac bougie was used as a tube exchanger for the second attempt. Seven hours after tracheal extubation, the patient became dyspneic and showed a large subcutaneous emphysema. A chest x-ray and computerized tomography scan revealed rupture of the posterior tracheal wall. The distal part of the injury was 26.5 cm from the patient's teeth and 0.5 cm from the carina (i.e., beyond the normal location of the tracheal tube tip) and extended to the origin of the right main bronchus, where the tip of the Boussignac bougie was probably pushed. Formation of an endotracheal sac occurred during the first two weeks after intubation, accompanied by dyspnea and alveolar hypoventilation, but symptoms resolved favourably with conservative management.
Conclusion: The tracheal rupture was attributed to airway manipulations, and the distal location of the lesion suggests that the cause was the Boussignac bougie rather than the tracheal tube. Long-term healing of the injury was satisfactory, although the patient continued to complain of dyspnea one year after the rupture.