In a structure of the cardio-vascular system diseases in Ukraine the part of chronical ischemia of the lower extremities tissues constitutes more than 20%. Due to diffuse affection of the distal parts of arterial bed it is impossible to succeed in performance of a direct" revascularization in 40% of patients. In 60-87% of such patients a severe ischemia of the lower extremities tissues occurs, causing the necessity of their high amputation performance on the hip level. The results of surgical treatment of 36 patients, suffering inoperable types of the peripheral arteries occlusion were analyzed. In 18 patients the algorithm of intraoperative ultrasound duplex scanning was applied, surgical interventions were performed using optimized procedures. As a second stage the PRP-therapy was conducted, since the second post-operative day all the patients have had performed the elaborated complex of physical exercises, directed on the shin and hip muscles strengthening. Optimization of the lower extremities indirect revascularization methods have permitted to increase the rate of the treatment positive results from 55.6 to 88.9%, to reduce the unsatisfactory results rate--from 44.4 to 11.1%. The PRP-therapy and complex of regular physical exercises conduction have promoted the VEGF content enhancement in the blood serum by 15.6%. malleolar-brachial index--by 28.9% in the patients, suffering occlusion of femoro-popliteo-tibial segment. PRP-concentrate constitutes a potent cell biological activator of the VEGF, improves metabolism and microcirculation in muscles and cells of the skin.