We present 3 cases of stent graft infection in patients who were treated with preservation of the endograft. In the first patient, the contamination of the endograft was the consequence of a bleeding aortoenteric fistula, whereas in the second patient, the endograft was implanted into a ruptured contaminated aortic aneurysm because of the patient's hemodynamic instability. In the third patient, the presence of a consistent type Ia endoleak after a chimney graft procedure followed by secondary interventions led to an infection of the stent graft. In each case, a laparotomy was performed with debridement, followed by appropriate antibiotic therapy. The first patient suffered a fatal pulmonary embolism. The other 2 patients are alive 4 and 24 months after the diagnosis of endograft infection. In unstable patients or those with severe comorbidities who cannot tolerate endograft excision and aortic reconstruction, surgical debridement followed by appropriate antibiotic therapy can be a temporary or bridging solution.
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