Background: Chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and schistosomiasis are prevalent in several countries, but the impact of this association is unknown. We aimed to investigate the prevalence and morbidity of this co-infection in Minas Gerais, an endemic area of schistosomiasis in Brazil.
Methods: In total, 406 adults with CHB (HBsAg positive >6 months) were included in a cross-sectional study. CHB was classified as replicative (HBV DNA ≥ 2.000 IU/ml), and low replicative or inactive hepatitis B carriers (HBV DNA <2.000 IU/ml). Schistosomiasis was confirmed by epidemiological and clinical records. Liver biopsies were scored by METAVIR. The risk of severe fibrosis was estimated by multivariate analysis.
Results: Of the 406 patients, 64.8% (263) were male, and the median age was 45 years (IQR 35-54). In total, 57.9% (235) had replicative CHB, and 31.5% (128) had cirrhosis. Schistosoma mansoni was confirmed in 30.5% (124) patients, 81.5% (101) of which were male with a median age of 47 years (IQR 39.5-54). Of the co-infected patients, 61.3% (76) and 38.7% (48) had replicative and inactive CHB, respectively. Schistosomal portal fibrosis (PF) was detected in 69.4% (86/124) patients. Patients with replicative CHB and schistosomal PF had more advanced fibrosis and severe inflammation compared with patients without schistosomal PF (80.8% vs 43.6% for METAVIR F3-F4, p<0.01; 64.0% vs 39.8% for METAVIR A2-A3, p < 0.01). Age >50 years (OR = 1.10; 95% CI 1.06-1.14, p<0.001), male gender (OR = 2.61, 95% CI 1.12-6.09, p = 0.03), schistosomal PF (OR = 4.56, 95% CI 2.10-9.91, p<0.001) and alcoholism (OR = 2.46, 95% CI 1.16-5.19, p = 0.02) were independently associated with cirrhosis.
Conclusions: The association between replicative CHB and schistosomal PF can be a risk factor for more severe liver disease, which can result in deleterious outcomes for patients from endemic areas.
Keywords: Chronic hepatitis B; Co-infection; Liver fibrosis; Schistosomiasis.