Background: Programmes of pre-elimination of malaria have been implemented in Senegal since 2010, and the burden of malaria has decreased substantially. These changes in the epidemiology should be monitored with effective tools that allow changes in patterns of transmission to be estimated. In Dielmo and Ndiop, two villages of Senegal with different malaria endemicity, infections have been followed longitudinally for 20 years, during which time there have been several control interventions leading to substantial decreases of transmission. This study aimed to compare malaria antibody responses of the inhabitants of these two villages, between 2000 and 2010, using schizont crude extracts of a local strain of P. falciparum (Pf Sch07/03).
Methods: Sera collected from inhabitants of the two villages (141 from Dielmo and 79 from Ndiop in 2000; 143 from Dielmo and 79 from Ndiop in 2010) were used to assess the prevalence of antibodies against crude schizont extracts of Pf Sch07/03. Three ages groups were defined: [5-9] yrs, [10-14] yrs and [15-19] yrs. Statistical comparisons were performed. Seroprevalence and the magnitude of antibody responses were compared between age groups, villages and periods.
Results: Overall seroprevalence to P.fSch07/03 decreased between 2000 and 2010 in both villages: from 94.4% to 44.4% in Dielmo and from 74.4% to 34.6% in Ndiop. The difference between Dielmo and Ndiop was highly significant in 2000 (p<0.001) but not in 2010 (p >0.20). The decrease in seroprevalence was larger in younger (more than 40%) than older (less than 19%) inhabitants. Longitudinal monitoring of the younger group showed that seroprevalence decreased between 2000 and 2010 in Dielmo from 98.7 to 79.3, but not in Ndiop from 67.6 to 66.7. The magnitude of antibody responses in seropositive individuals was significantly higher in 2000 than 2010 for both villages.
Conclusions: Crude extracts of P. falciparum are appropriate tools for evaluating malaria prevalence at different periods, and in both low and high endemic area. Using crude extracts from local strains to assess transmission may allow efficient evaluation of the consequences of control programs on malaria transmission.