Successful percutaneous ablation of the bundle of His requires accurate localization together with delivery of the minimum effective energy to avoid unwanted effects. The energy output from laser sources can be controlled very precisely but is not easily directed to the bundle of His using conventional fiber optics. The laser thermal probe ("hot tip") consists of an optical fiber and a terminal metal cap that is rapidly heated during energy delivery. When applied to cadaver hearts at energies of 100-150 joules (10 watts for 10-15 seconds) the 2.0-mm diameter peripheral artery probe was able to damage the bundle of His without extensive surrounding damage. The right ventricular free wall and interventricular septum were perforated during some applications at these energies leaving a tract with a diameter of less than 2.0 mm. The atrioventricular (AV) membranous septum, Foramen Ovale, right atrial appendage, and septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve were more resistant at these energy levels and perforations were always less than 1.0 mm in diameter. The probe was modified for use during electrophysiological studies and good quality unipolar electrograms were recorded from the metal cap confirming that the probe could be accurately positioned adjacent to the bundle of His. The laser thermal probe deserves further study as a "self directing" ablation tool.