New country records of reptiles from Laos

Biodivers Data J. 2013 Dec 10:(1):e1015. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.1.e1015. eCollection 2013.


FOUR SPECIES OF REPTILES, OF WHICH ONE IS REPRESENTED BY ONE OF ITS SUBSPECIES, ARE RECORDED FOR THE FIRST TIME FROM LAOS: Cyrtodactylusphongnhakebangensis, Lycodonfutsingensis, and Lycodonruhstrati, as Lycodonruhstratiabditus, from limestone forests in Khammouane Province and Cyrtodactyluspseudoquadrivirgatus from hill evergreen forest in Salavan Province. These discoveries of lizards and snakes bring the total species number of reptiles to 189 in Laos.

Keywords: Colubridae; Gekkonidae; Khammouane Province; Salavan Province; distribution; taxonomy.