To assess whether nitrogen (N) content and δ(15)N ratios in nitrophytic lichen species (Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. (1860) and Physcia spp. (Schreb.) Michaux (1803)) reflect the quantity and quality of atmospheric N loads, 348 lichen samples from 174 sampling grid cells were investigated in the western part of Germany. The analysed lichen N content ranged between 0.98 and 4.28 % and δ(15)N ratios between -15.2 and -1.3 ‰. Based on the N concentrations and the δ(15)N ratios of lichens, different landscape categories and coupled N deposition rates could be inferred for different regions of Germany. By analysing environmental variables like altitude, ammonia emission density, livestock unit and different defined deposition types, a direct relationship was found between lichen chemistry and N compounds produced from agricultural activity. The results support the development of a monitoring method which could be used nationally or even internationally to support current N deposition measurements, by providing reliable information on the quantity and quality of N deposition in high N environments.