The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently released updated recommendations on Diagnostic Criteria and Classification of Hyperglycaemia First Detected in Pregnancy which are likely to increase the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Any increase in the number of women with GDM has implications for health services since these women will require treatment and regular surveillance during the pregnancy. Some health services throughout the world may have difficulty meeting these demands since country resources for addressing the diabetes burden are finite and resource allocation must be prioritised by balancing the need to improve care of people with diabetes and finding those with undiagnosed diabetes, including GDM. Consequently each health service will need to assess their burden of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy and decide if and how it will implement programmes to test for and treat such women. This paper discusses some considerations and options to assist countries, health services and health professionals in these deliberations.
Keywords: Diagnostic criteria; Hyperglycaemia in pregnancy; Implementation.
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