Re-operative thyroid surgery is a relatively uncommon procedure complicated by distorted anatomy and post-operative tissue changes. Surgery may follow initial benign or malignant pathology. Published outcomes vary widely in the literature. This study aims to report our outcomes from re-operative thyroid surgery. Patient demographics and complication rates for consecutive thyroidectomies performed by a single surgeon at a tertiary centre were collected between 1993 and 2013. Outcomes in re-operative surgery are analysed and compared with local and national data. Cases of re-operative surgery following benign disease are further analysed for histology, re-presenting symptoms and time between procedures. Our cohort comprised 1,657 cases including 164 re-operative procedures (101 malignant, 63 benign). Within our cohort re-operative cases were on average 4 years older (mean 49.9 vs 45.9 years, p = 0.001) and had a higher incidence of haematoma formation (4.3 vs 1.7 %, p = 0.033) and transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (5.5 vs 2.5 %, p = 0.044) compared to primary surgery. Rates of permanent hypocalcaemia (2.4 vs 1.8 %, p = 0.540) and permanent RLN palsy (1.8 vs 0.4 %, p = 0.051) were higher in the re-operative group but did not reach significance. Comparison of complications following re-operation for benign and malignant disease revealed no significant differences. Mean interval to re-operation for benign cases was 17.4 years with 74.6 % found to have multinodular goitre at repeat procedure. Re-operative procedures comprised around 10 % of thyroid surgery at our centre. Re-operative cases experienced more complications than primary surgery but permanent rates were low. Re-operative surgery may therefore be safely considered in experienced hands.