Summary: MAGI is a web service for fast MicroRNA-Seq data analysis in a graphics processing unit (GPU) infrastructure. Using just a browser, users have access to results as web reports in just a few hours->600% end-to-end performance improvement over state of the art. MAGI's salient features are (i) transfer of large input files in native FASTA with Qualities (FASTQ) format through drag-and-drop operations, (ii) rapid prediction of microRNA target genes leveraging parallel computing with GPU devices, (iii) all-in-one analytics with novel feature extraction, statistical test for differential expression and diagnostic plot generation for quality control and (iv) interactive visualization and exploration of results in web reports that are readily available for publication.
Availability and implementation: MAGI relies on the Node.js JavaScript framework, along with NVIDIA CUDA C, PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), Perl and R. It is freely available at
© The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press.