A 19-year-old woman who underwent conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy with Medpor-Coated Tear Drain 2 years ago presented with diplopia on left gaze for 4 months. Limitation of extraocular movement of OS on left gaze was observed on duction test. The forced duction test revealed restriction of the left medial rectus muscle. Orbital MRI demonstrated an enhancing soft tissue lesion surrounding the tube in inferomedial aspect of left orbit. Removal of the tube and adhesiolysis were performed. Histologic findings were consistent with a chronic inflammation with fibrosis. After surgery, limitation of extraocular movement and diplopia were completely resolved. Jones tube coated with a thin layer of porous polyethylene allows the ingrowth of fibrovascular tissue into the coating, decreasing the probability of tube extrusion, but can also accelerate fibrotic changes around the tube causing restrictive strabismus.