Cervical screening uptake and abnormalities among women attending sexual health clinics for HIV care

Sex Health. 2014 Jul;11(3):288-90. doi: 10.1071/SH14063.


The aim of this study was to describe cervical screening uptake and assess correlates of screen-detected abnormalities in women attending sexual health services for HIV care. Of 156 women, 115 had documentation of a Pap test at least once in 3 years and 9.6% had an annual Pap test performed. Pap abnormalities were associated with younger age, being born in Sub-Saharan Africa, more recent arrival in Australia, lower CD4 count, detectable viral load, shorter time on antiretroviral therapy and more recent HIV diagnosis. Women accessing sexual health services for HIV care, especially those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, appear to be substantially under-screened and efforts to optimise screening are needed.