The emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Mycobacterium tuberculosis prompted the reintroduction of para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS) to protect companion anti-tuberculosis drugs from additional acquired resistance. In sub-Saharan Africa, MDR/XDR tuberculosis with HIV coinfection is common, and concurrent treatment of HIV infection and MDR/XDR tuberculosis is required. Out of necessity, patients receive multiple drugs, and PAS therapy is frequent; however, neither potential drug interactions nor the effects of HIV infection are known. Potential drug-drug interaction with PAS and the effect of HIV infection was examined in 73 pulmonary tuberculosis patients; 22 (30.1%) were HIV coinfected. Forty-one pulmonary MDR or XDR tuberculosis patients received 4 g PAS twice daily, and in a second crossover study, another 32 patients were randomized, receiving 4 g PAS twice daily or 8 g PAS once daily. A PAS population pharmacokinetic model in two dosing regimens was developed; potential covariates affecting its pharmacokinetics were examined, and Monte Carlo simulations were conducted evaluating the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic index. The probability of target attainment (PTA) to maintain PAS levels above MIC during the dosing interval was estimated by simulation of once-, twice-, and thrice-daily dosing regimens not exceeding 12 g daily. Concurrent efavirenz (EFV) medication resulted in a 52% increase in PAS clearance and a corresponding >30% reduction in mean PAS area under the concentration curve in 19 of 22 HIV-M. tuberculosis-coinfected patients. Current practice recommends maintenance of PAS concentrations at ≥1 μg/ml (the MIC of M. tuberculosis), but the model predicts that at only a minimum dose of 4 g twice daily can this PTA be achieved in at least 90% of the population, whether or not EFV is concomitantly administered. Once-daily dosing of 12 g PAS will not provide PAS concentrations exceeding the MIC over the entire dosing interval if coadministered with EFV, while 4 g twice daily ensures concentrations exceeding MIC over the entire dosing interval, even in HIV-infected patients who received EFV.
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