Purpose: To assess the effectiveness of inside-out TVT-ABBREVO in the surgical treatment of female stress urinary incontinence (SUI) with mean two-year follow-up.
Materials and methods: Fifty-six women underwent surgery for moderate-severe SUI. The technology used was the TVT-ABBREVO inside-out. Each woman at 12 and 24 months underwent postoperative evaluation by means of urodynamics, Q-tip test, CST, transperineal ultrasonography, and administration of "King's Health Questionnaire" (KHQ).
Results: The mean age of the women was 57.03 +/- 11.1 years (range 42-75). Postoperative urodynamics (12 months follow-up) resulted to be normal in 43/56 patients (76.79%), in 10/56 (17.86%) cases resulted in a considerable improvement of the symptomatology, and only 1/56 (1.78%) case had de novo overactive bladder (OAB), in 2/56 (3.57%) symptomatology unchanged. After administration of the KHQ 43/56 cases (76.79%) had resolution of the symptomatology, 10/56 cases (17.86%) improvement of the symptomatology, and no change in 3/56 cases (5.36%).
Conclusion: In the authors' experience, the TVT-ABBREVO resulted technically simple. The TVT-ABBREVO procedure provides high objective and subjective long-term efficacy, a clinically meaningful improvement in patient quality of life, and an excellent safety profile.