Background: Food portion sizes influence energy intake.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to determine effectiveness of the "PortionControl@HOME" intervention on body mass index and portion control behavior.
Methods: A randomized controlled trial among 278 overweight and obese participants was conducted. PortionControl@HOME aimed to increase: portion size awareness, portion control behavior, portion control cooking skills, and to create a home environment favoring portion control.
Results: Intention-to-treat multi-level regression analysis indicated statistically significant effects of the intervention on portion control behavior at 3, 6, and 12 months follow-up. The effect on body mass index was significant only at 3 months follow-up and when outliers (n = 3) were excluded (B = -0.45; 95%CI = -0.88 to -0.04). The intervention effect on body mass index was mediated by portion control behavior.
Conclusions: The intervention improves portion control behavior, which in turn influence body mass index. Once the intervention ceased, sustained effects on body mass index were no longer evident. (Current-Controlled-Trials ISRCTN12363482).