Background: A coordinate system was previously developed to identify landmarks on the skull surface to help locate the transverse-sigmoid sinus junction in order to reduce surgical morbidity in retrosigmoid craniotomy; however, in practice we found that this system has important flaws.
Objective: To develop and evaluate a novel reference coordinate system to precisely locate the inferomedial point of the transverse-sigmoid sinus junction (IMTS) and evaluate the effect of gender and skull side (left or right).
Methods: Forty-two adult skulls (84 sides) were obtained for analyses. The X-axis was defined by point A (where the upper edge of the zygomatic arch joins with the frontal process of the zygomatic bone) and point B (where the upper edge of the zygomatic arch blends posterosuperiorly into the supramastoid crest). The Y-axis was defined by the line perpendicular to the X-axis and extending across the tip of the mastoid. The x and y coordinates of IMTS (IMTS-x and IMTS-y) were measured in this coordinate system.
Results: There were 20 male skulls and 22 female skulls. The mean IMTS-x measurements were significantly higher on the right side compared with the left side in both males and females. For the left skull side, the mean IMTS-y measurements were significantly lower in females compared with males.
Conclusion: This novel reference coordinate system may be a reliable and practical method for identifying the IMTS during retrosigmoid craniotomy. There are significant differences in location of the axes with regard to gender and skull side.