Paraphilia is a psychiatric disease that has been difficult to cure. However, recently developed therapeutic methods hold promise. The patient was a 20-yr-old male with chief complaints of continuous masturbation, genital exposure, and aggressive behavior that started 2 yr ago. We administered leuprorelin 3.6 mg intramuscular injection per month, a depot gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogue, to this patient who a severe mentally retardation with paraphilia. The clinical global impression (CGI)-severity, CGI-improvement and aberrant behavior checklist were performed. After one month, we observed significant improvement in symptoms, such as decreases of abnormal sexual behavior and sexual desire. The GnRH analogues are suggested to be used as an alternative or supplementary therapeutic method for sexual offenders after clinical studies.
Keywords: Leuprorelin; Mental Retardation; Paraphilias.