SonoGames was created by the Academy of Emergency Ultrasound for the 2012 annual meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. The assessment of resident knowledge and of the performance of point-of-care ultrasound examinations is an integral component of ultrasound education and is required in emergency medicine residency training. With that in mind, game organizers sought to assess and improve emergency medicine residents' point-of-care ultrasound knowledge, hands-on skills, and integration of knowledge into clinical decision making. SonoGames is an annual 4-hour competition consisting of 3 rounds. In this article, we provide a description of SonoGames and provide a blueprint for an effective and successful educational event.
Keywords: SonoGames; clinical sonography; medical education; point-of-care ultrasound; ultrasound education.
© 2014 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.