Objective: Homeobox (HOX) transcription factors coordinate gene expression in wound repair and angiogenesis. Previous studies have shown that gene transfer of HoxA3 to wounds of diabetic mice accelerates wound healing, increasing angiogenesis and keratinocyte migration. In this study, we examined whether HoxA3 can also improve angiogenesis, epidermal integrity, and viability of composite skin grafts. Approach: To determine the effects of HoxA3 on composite skin grafts, we constructed bilayered composite grafts incorporating fibroblasts engineered to constitutively secrete HoxA3. We then transplanted these composite grafts in vivo. Results: The composite grafts produced a stratified epidermal layer after seventeen days in culture and following transplantation in vivo, these grafts exhibit normal epidermal differentiation and reduced contraction compared to controls. In addition, HoxA3 grafts showed increased angiogenesis. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses of HoxA3 graft tissue reveal an increase in the downstream HoxA3 target genes MMP-14 and uPAR expression, as well as a reduction in CCL-2 and CxCl-12. Innovation: Expression of secreted HoxA3 in composite grafts represents a comprehensive approach that targets both keratinocytes and endothelial cells to promote epidermal proliferation and angiogenesis. Conclusion: Secreted HoxA3 improves angiogenesis, reduces expression of inflammatory mediators, and prolongs composite skin graft integrity.