Angiogenesis or new vessel formation is essential for tumour growth and progression. Therefore, targeting angiogenesis has been an attractive strategy in the treatment ofcancer. Bevacizumab is a recombinant humanized monoclonal IgG1 antibody thattargets vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) - a key molecular player inangiogenesis. Bevacizumumab has shown clinical efficacy in phase III clinical trials inseveral advanced solid malignancies. The clinical efficacy of bevacizumumab isprimarily due to its antiangiogenic effects; however, there are direct antitumor effectsand immunomodulatory effects. Enhancing the immune system to restore itsantitumour activity has been utilized successfully in clinical setting. In this article we willdiscuss the possible immunomodulatory effects of the most clinically usedantiangiogenic agent; bevacizumumab.