In carotid endarterectomy (CEA), the traditional retractors are often difficult to use because they tend to obstruct surgical manipulations, especially in the deep operative field on the rostral side. The authors have invented a new omnidirectional retractor-supporting ring (OD ring) to solve the problems of traditional retractors. The OD ring has an ellipsoid-shaped frame (major axis: 275 mm, minor axis: 192 mm) with 22 equally spaced outward protrusions. Rubber bands from which blunt mini-hooks are hung are twisted around the protrusions. The OD ring was placed on the operative area, and the skin edges were retracted by mini-hooks placed symmetrically. The hooks were moved gradually from the shallow to the deep operative field as surgical dissection continued to expose the carotid bifurcation and distal internal carotid artery (ICA). The OD ring was used in 158 consecutive CEAs in the authors' institute between July 2010 and October 2013. The OD ring provided a flatter surgical field and was less obstructive than traditional retractors, thereby facilitating surgical manipulation in the deep operative field such as at the distal ICA. Furthermore, because of its simpler shape, angiorrhaphy could be conducted more smoothly, with less tangled thread during closure of the arteriotomy. There were no technical complications related to the OD ring. As a new retractor system for CEA, the OD ring is less obstructive and provides a flatter surgical field than traditional retractors, thereby facilitating surgical manipulations in the deep operative field around the distal ICA.
Keywords: CEA = carotid endarterectomy; ICA = internal carotid artery; OD = omnidirectional; carotid endarterectomy; device; omnidirectional; retractor; surgical technique.