A series of clinical guidelines for Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder throughout life have been published in recent years. The aim is to provide a synthesis of the best available scientific knowledge and facilitate clinical work as well as to make a critical review of the latest clinical guidelines based on treatment and recommendations. Searches of the following databases were performed: MEDLINE/ PubMed/ Index Medicus, PsycINFO/ PsyLIT and the Science Citation Index at Web of Science (ISI). The indexed MeSH terms “ADHD,” “guideline,” “therapeutics” were used for the search, and a total of 10 articles and 9 guides were selected. The guidelines indicate that the diagnosis of ADHD is made by clinical assessment and must be performed by a health professional with training and experience in the disorder. Multimodal treatment is ideal for the integral management of ADHD. Pharmacotherapy remains the first choice treatment for ADHD throughout life, particularly stimulant medication and among them, highlighting treatment with methylphenidate and all guidelines agree that psychological therapy increases the effectiveness of treatment as co-adjuncts to pharmacotherapy.