Aneurysm of the Membranous Septum (AMS) is a rare cardiac disease, mostly associated with other cardiac anomalies, very rare in the absence of other congenital heart defects. A prompt diagnosis is important, due to severe potential complications, but remain challenging. Most of the cases were earlier diagnosed using ventriculography, but, with the availability of echocardiography and cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), this disease can be accurately assessed non-invasively. We report a case of a 62 years old female patient, without other cardiac congenital disease, who was incidentally diagnosed, by means of CMR with a true and isolated AMS. Our report underlines CMR usefulness in AMS diagnosis, thanks to accurate evaluation (both morphologic and functional) provided by this diagnostic tool, which is able to demonstrate clearly the presence of AMS (aneurysm of the membranous septum) and depict its features.
Keywords: aneurysm of the membranous septum; cardiovascular magnetic resonance; interventricular septum.