Contribution of IL-2R-bearing activated lymphocytes to antiviral host defense was investigated in C57BL/6 mice by treatment in vivo with IL-2R-specific mAb PC61. When treated on days 0 and 1 with respect to infection with either vaccinia virus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) virus (LCMV) or vesicular stomatitis virus, 6-day immune mice had low numbers of CD8+ T cells that were reduced to about 10% of the values found for infected but otherwise untreated controls. In contrast, the number of CD4+ T cells was within normal ranges. Correspondingly, induction of strictly T help-dependent antiviral neutralizing IgG antibody titers remained unaffected by the mAb treatment, whereas generation of antiviral cytotoxic T cell activity was abrogated. Anti-IL-2R treatment of thymectomized mice 14 and 15 days after infection prevented generation of secondary antiviral cytotoxic T cells in restimulation cultures in vitro initiated 24 days later. Treatment with IL-2R-specific mAb was comparable to treatment with CD8-specific mAb in preventing mice to eliminate virus. Because of the involvement of antiviral cytotoxic T cells in disease manifestations, treatment with IL-2R-specific mAb protected mice from lethal LCM after intracerebral infection with LCMV and inhibited the footpad swelling reaction caused by local infection with the same virus.