Objective: This population-based study was conducted to evaluate the performance of colposcopy to assess women with positive visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) and/or human papillomavirus (HPV) tests.
Materials and methods: A total of 30,773 women were screened by VIA and oncogenic HPV test. Hybrid capture 2 was used for oncogenic HPV detection. All VIA- and/or HPV-positive women and 8.7% test-negative women had the colposcopy. International Federation of Cervical Pathology & Colposcopy (IFCPC) 2011 nomenclature was used for colposcopic classification of abnormalities. All women with grade 1 or worse lesions had punch biopsies. Biopsies were also obtained from HPV-positive women with normal colposcopy.
Results: Colposcopy and satisfactory biopsy reports were available for total 2466 women. The overall strength of agreement between colposcopy and histologic classification of cervical neoplasias was poor (kappa = 0.17). Agreement was better when colposcopy was performed on HPV-positive women compared to VIA-positive women. Sensitivity of colposcopy to detect high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) at referral threshold of grade 1 abnormality was 84.8% after correction of verification bias. Colposcopy was most inaccurate in identifying non-neoplastic conditions often encountered in VIA- and/or HPV-positive women. In 68.8% women with normal histology, colposcopic impression was grade 1 and above. Overestimation of disease severity on colposcopy was more common in VIA-positive women. Colposcopy also underestimated severity of disease in 52.6% of women with HSIL diagnosis on biopsy.
Conclusions: Colposcopy performed well in the overall detection of cervical neoplasias, though its capability for accurate categorisation of degree of abnormality was poor.
Keywords: colposcopy; histopathology correlation; human papillomavirus; visual inspection with acetic acid.
© 2014 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.