A man, aged 25 years, presented with pain, swelling, and drainage from the right clavicular area. He had a past history of abscess at the sternoclavicular joint. The cultures from the drainage site grew methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, and he was placed on appropriate antibiotics. As S. aureus infection of the clavicle is often secondary in nature, particularly in adults, a thorough workup was done to identify the underlying cause. Quantiferon gold, done as a part of the workup, came back positive, while the bone cultures grew S. aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. He was placed on 9 months of combination therapy for tuberculosis osteomyelitis with a good clinical outcome.
Keywords: Clavicle; Staphylococcus aureus; Tuberculous osteomyelitis.
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