Background: The objective of the study was to investigate the pharmacokinetics of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) in Chinese adults early after renal transplantation by an enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique and to establish a limited sampling strategy to predict the area under the concentration-time curve for plasma levels of mycophenolic acid (MPA-AUC).
Methods: Fifty-eight recipients who underwent renal transplantation with an organ donated after cardiac death used a triple immunosuppressant strategy of MMF, tacrolimus, and prednisone. On the seventh day posttransplantation, plasma samples were collected at 0 hours (pre-dose) and at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 hours postdose (C0h, C0.5h, C1h, C1.5h, C2h, C4h, C6h, C8h, C10h, and C12h, respectively). Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique was used to measure mycophenolic acid concentration, and model equations were generated by multiple stepwise regression analysis to determine MPA-AUC0-12h.
Results: The 3-point equation obtained by multiple linear regression analysis was MPA-AUC = 7.951 + 4.04C6h + 1.893C2h + 4.542C10h (adjusted r = 0.863); the 4-point equation was MPA-AUC = 4.272 + 4.074C6h + 1.896C2h + 4.680C10h + 0.859C0.5h (adjusted r = 0.918). The % mean prediction error, % mean absolute error, and % root mean squared prediction error for the best-fit formula using C6h, C2h, C10h, and C0.5h were -0.2%, 8.7%, and 14.2%, respectively.
Conclusions: In Chinese adults receiving MMF and tacrolimus early after renal transplantation, the best equation for predicting MPA-AUC0-12h is 4.272 + 4.074C6h + 1.896C2h + 4.680C10h + 0.859C0.5h.