Set-up of a new TDCR counter at IRA-METAS

Appl Radiat Isot. 2015 Mar:97:113-117. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2014.12.023. Epub 2014 Dec 24.


A triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) counter was recently constructed at IRA-METAS for liquid scintillation based primary activity standardisations. A description of its optical chamber, efficiency change tools, photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) and electronics is given. This TDCR system was validated by measuring several standard solutions of beta emitters including (45)Ca, (14)C, (63)Ni and (3)H. The activity concentrations, obtained from these measurements and efficiencies computed with a FORTRAN code we developed for symmetric and asymmetric PMTs, agree with the certified values within uncertainties.

Keywords: (14)C; (3)H; (45)Ca; (63)Ni; Activity standardisation; Liquid scintillation; TDCR.