Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is a group of techniques based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to image blood vessels. Compressed Sensing (CS) is a mathematical framework to reconstruct MR images from sparse data to minimize the data acquisition time. Image sparsity is the key in CS to reconstruct MR images. CS technique allows reconstruction from significantly fewer k-space samples as compared to full k-space acquisition, which results in reduced MRI data acquisition time. The images resulting from MRA are sparse in native representation, hence yielding themselves well to CS. Recently our group has proposed a novel CS method called Region of Interest Compressed Sensing (ROICS) as a part of Region of Interest (ROI) weighted CS. This work aims at the implementation of ROICS for the first time on MRA data to reduce MR data acquisition time. It has been demonstrated qualitatively and quantitatively that ROICS outperforms CS at higher acceleration factors. ROICS technique has been applied to 3D angiograms of the brain data acquired at 1.5T. It helps to reduce the MRA data acquisition time and improves the visualization of arteries. ROICS technique has been applied on 4 brain angiogram data sets at different acceleration factors from 2× to 10×. Reconstructed images show ROICS technique performs better than conventional CS technique and is quantified by the comparative Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in the ROI.