Hyperglycaemia is an indicator of poor clinical outcome and mortality in patients with or without a history of diabetes in hospitalised patients in non-critical care condition. A consensus guideline has been developed by a panel of experts based on existing guidelines with specific attention to Indian clinical practice on the management of hyperglycaemia in patients admitted to non-critical care settings. Diagnosis for hyperglycaemia at the time of hospital admission is essential for appropriate treatment during the hospital stay and at the time of discharge. Following a consistent blood glucose target from admission to discharge is recommended for optimal glycaemic management in these settings. Intervention with scheduled subcutaneous insulin therapy using basal, bolus and correctional insulin, and avoiding sliding scale insulin therapy is the key to effective management of inpatient hyperglycaemia. A safe and effective transition of therapy between home and hospital setting based on hyperglycaemic status is essential to avoid large variations in glycaemic status. The consensus guidelines will provide a basis for better clinical practice in the Indian scenario for the management of hyperglycaemia in non-critical care settings.