Background: The strong comorbidity of psychiatric and substance use disorders is well documented outside of China, however it has not been studied extensively among drug using individuals in China. This study evaluated patterns of co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders among heroin dependent individuals in Changsha, China.
Methods: Participants were 1002 individuals consecutively admitted between March 10 and October 30, 2008 into two compulsory and one voluntary drug rehabilitation centers in Changsha. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders-Patient Edition (SCID-I/P) and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis II personality Disorders (SCID-II) were used.
Results: Mental health disorders were highly prevalent among study participants: 29.6% had at least one lifetime DSM-IV Axis I and 19.5% had at least one current (past month) Axis I mental health disorder. Antisocial (40.7%) and Borderline (22.6%) Personality Disorders were most prevalent DSM-IV Axis II lifetime diagnoses and a mood disorder (19.1%) was the most prevalent Axis I lifetime disorder; 57.8% had other substance use disorder in addition to opioid dependence. Study results indicate that females in compulsory settings have lower socio-economic status than males in compulsory settings, and that males in compulsory settings have higher rates of co-morbidities, including personality, mood disorders, substance use co-morbidities, and lower socio-economic status than males in the voluntary setting.
Conclusions: The study findings suggest an urgent need to expand and improve diagnostic and treatment capabilities in compulsory rehabilitation settings in China and a need for additional services and interventions specific for female rehabilitants.
Keywords: China; Co-occurring psychiatric disorders; Heroin; Substance use disorders.
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