Pop-Philosophy can broadcast lots of important messages, because of its popular way to communicate with people. We can say that one of the most important media used from pop philosophy to achieve its objectives is Cinema. In 2011, 818 films were produced. In 2012, cinema admissions in the USA were 1,360 million while in Europe they were 1,190 million. For this reason we decided to test a new methodology in order to investigate the Campus Bio-Medico University's students' "perception" of Values conveyed by films. In the first phase, we asked 296 students to tell us the titles of the films they have seen that dealt with the disclosure of posthumanist values. From this first phase, we identified the 5 most popular and cited films. In the second phase, we interviewed 175 students on the relationship that each of the 5 selected films had to convey the Idea of God, the Idea of Man and the Idea of Nature. The survey we carried out, allows us to simply see the gap between the message that according to the posthumanist experts should be transmitted in a certain direction with respect to the message received by a selected portion of cinematographic audience.