Recent years are the time of dynamic development of pulmonary arterial pressure pharmacotherapy. By introducing the goal oriented therapy the survival in this group of patients has significantly increased. Apart from the pharmacotherapy used according to the ESC guidelines, new attempts of interventional treatment based on denervation of pulmonary artery have also been taken. Constantly, the new clinical trials (tests?) of drugs acting via new metabolic pathways have been conducted. They include for example: soluble guanylate cyclase stimulators, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, serotonin receptors inhibitors, Rhokinase inhibitors, VIP analogues. One of the newmedicines is riociguat, the effectiveness and safety of which have been confirmed in the PATENT and CHEST study. However, the small number and clinical diversity in the group of the PAH patients cause significant difficulties with the extrapolation of the results of trials according to the guidelines of the therapy.