The combined properties of SepineoP 600 (S600), a self-gelling dispersion and SepineoSE 68 (M68), a natural liquid crystal forming surfactant, were utilized in the development of emulgel base for topical application. The emulgels were prepared in water alone or combined with propylene glycol (PG), polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG400) and glycerol (G) as cosolvents. Emulgels were characterized for their optical and flow behavior. Two model drugs: caffeine (CF) and methylparaben (MP) were used in the evaluation of drug permeation across the stratum corneum (SC). The results showed that emulgel prepared using 70% PG:water (1:1) and 30% S600 has the best flow behavior compared to other cosolvents. Also the permeability coefficient of CF was found to be higher than that of MP and the addition of 3% M68 improved the physical stability of the emulgel, but it did not affect the drug diffusion profile.
Keywords: Emulgel; SepineoP 600; SepineoSE 68; phase behavior; rheology; stratum corneum.