Background: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important human pathogens and causes over 100 nosologicalforms of diseases. The lack of data on the spread of S. aureus genetic types specific for different forms of staphylococcal infections in Russia makes it difficult to timely identify and control strains of this epidemiologically dangerous bacterial pathogen.
Objective: The aim of the study was to carry out a molecular genetic research of S. aureus isolates obtained during a widespread foodborne illness outbreak among builders at the Pulkovo airport in St. Petersburg in 2013.
Methods: The ability of the isolates to produce staphylococcal enterotoxins was studied by immunoenzyme techniques. Gene typing was carried out by sequence-specific primer-based PCR, as well as by sequencing genomic nucleotide sequences of two independent isolates of the pathogen.
Results: An enterotoxin A gene in genomes of S. aureus isolates etiologically associated with the outbreak was identified. The production of enterotoxin A by the isolates was shown. According to the complex analysis all isolates producing staphylococcal enterotoxins were identical and constituted the S. aureus strain, sequence-type ST30 and spa-type t2509. The genome of the identified S. aureus strain carried a set of various staphylococcal toxins. The full genome sequence among other techniques revealed high levels of similarity between genomes of the strain under study and well-known reference strain S aureus MRSA 252.
Conclusion: The complete molecular genetic study of the S. aureus strain involved into the widespread foodborne illness outbreak was first carried out in Russia, allowing of further using the strain as a Russian reference strain to study potential epidemic outbreaks in the Russian Federation.