Background: Milford Care Centre's Compassionate Communities Project has developed a series of animated films - The 'Let's Talk' Series. These films are used by the project to encourage people to have think about having difficult conversations about illness and death. The films are available on the project website, via You Tube and are shown during Café Conversations as part of the Compassionate Communities Project. More recently, members of the Specialist Palliative Care Social Work department have been using the films during their direct work with patients and their families.
Aim: This presentation aims to introduce participants to the Let's Talk film series and describe the learning from social workers who have used the films at home, and in the inpatient unit, with patients, their partners and their children.
Method: Social workers were interviewed, sharing their experience and reflection on using the animated films as a practice tool.
Results: A number of case studies will be presented to describe the use and impact of the films in practice.
Conclusion: The films are a very useful addition to the social work toolbox. Guidelines for their use in practice will be presented.
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