We retrospectively analyzed, and herein discuss, the outcomes of and prognostic factors for 35 untreated multiple myeloma patients less than 65 years of age who received induction therapies with bortezomib (Bor) and dexamethasone (BD) for the purpose of up-front autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (SCT). The overall response rate was 77% (27 cases, including 4 [11%] complete response and 13 [37%] very good partial response cases). The rate of SCT accomplishment was 51% (18 cases). The 3 year-progression free survival (PFS) rate for the SCT group was significantly higher than that of the non-SCT group (41% vs 0%, P=0.0037). This result reflects the significantly more severe adverse effects of induction therapy for the non-SCT than the SCT group. Among reasons for SCT drop-out, 29% of cases suffered severe peripheral neuropathy with features such as irreversible numbness and pain. The analysis of PFS revealed a cytogenetic factor, favorable chromosomal type at diagnosis, to predict a better outcome (P values on univariate and multivariate analyses were 0.0004 and 0.0405, respectively). Our observations suggest establishment of induction therapy, aimed at reducing adverse effects and overcoming unfavorable cytogenetic abnormalities, to be necessary for improving the outcomes of patients with multiple myeloma.